So I did read some poetry yesterday for an art show
the Tres Collective curated @ Hyde Park Art Center,
and the art I had to read my poems with was made by
this dude who I met @ an art show last year, but I had forgot his name
(yeah, I need to calm down the smoke).
In either which case, I got to know his work then be reintroduced to him,
and he was cool about it.
Here are the pieces ["Speakerboy" and "Speakerboy Epiphany" by Dustin Harris]...
This first one went with the "Clapping" poem.
Then next one went with this poem down here...
Shock (4 Grandmaster Flash)
Where you ever a kid?
Child of shot Kings and X’s
over generation gaps
like Sewed skin flabes
from landmind-limb loss,
numb noose, plastic
pulling veins from skinny uncles,
big brothers, and fathers.
auction block draftees,
never totally turning re-
minded shock shells un-
mended, music
spinning sanity,
humanizing home
minders re-
turning totally
never really
left that damned dank dark jungle.
Telling a child,
“Don’t be fuckin’ with my records’
is like telling sexed crazied addolesent boy
“Don’t be watchin Cinemax after 12:30am”
I saw my first naked woman on
the cover of my dad’s Ohio Players album,
after he told me,
“Don’t be fuckin’ with my records”
Have you ever been scolded?
red skin blisters
crackling palms
peeling prickled
electric endings
tendon tension…
Touch a buzz saw,
lick a frozen lamp post, un-
pressured by peering eyes.
What if peering pulp curses were
Telling a child
to not tinker,
not to transform
things, inanimate,
to not draw life from rocks,
leggos, dirt, clay, breath in the cold,
mysteries in snowballs,
building sand empires…
How many future doctors are told
to not dissect a frog?
Telling a future engineer
to throw away their Kinnex set…
Telling a future business CEO
to light his monopoly set on fire is nothing
in comparison to
taking your child’s hands,
placing their palms on a boil pointed
because those hands are attempting to learn
tinker with things that will help turn,
evolve, grow the lives of everyone around him...
that is fucking shameful.
{oh and don't forget to download the mixtape...}
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