Thursday, November 19, 2009

I know I've been gone for awhile


pretty much, I've been bullshittin' with this blogging thing, SO...
to make it up,
I'm posting a free Documentary about everyone's favorite sizzurp drinkin', soon to be incarcarated rapper. Very interesting, alittle worrysome at times, but overall it does him justice.

Coming from a person apart of the generation that actually grew up simontaneously with him, I do have to say that...yeah...we're alittle fucked up (my generation that is).

Oh and did you know that 50 wrote and directed his own hood-sploitation movie. I will not be posting that. You have to find it yo self.

I WILL post this though...

SHABALADO!!!! Black Dynamite was ignant as hell (that means good)


Just felt the need to say that.


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