Tuesday, June 16, 2009



Ain't no way (spoiler alert)
Skynet would NOT create a human hybrid cyborg who would be able to
rebel against its programming and save John Conner.

I know it was a parallel. A man from the past, as oppose to a man/machine
from the future, saving him.

I know it was a parallel, dude was human instead of robotic.

But that shit was bullshit,
and it felt like it could happen in 5 years,
not like it was science fiction.

McG need to stick to music videos, real shit.
Charlie's Angels is more his speed.

Leave Letterman alone,

no I haven't heard what he said,
yes, it was prolly full of shit, sexist and shovenistic.

People are calling him the new Don Imus,
it ain't even that serious,
the media just want people to watch Conan.

Just watch both like I do, and don't fuck with the Commercials,
or don't watch either like I do, and go outside and freestyle or something.

The shit ain't that serious.

Maybe I should hear what he said...

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